Friday, June 6, 2008

The Last Summer-i, Not Staring Tom Cruise

Several people have now reminded me that "I don't have a job" I realize this, as it is a part of my life. Telling me this does not change anything. Its like walking up to someone and saying, Yer Poor... or Yer Ugly. What is even more annoying is hen they deem that this status makes you inferior, such as: you didn't work today so you should do everything I say. the problem with this attitude is that, as usual I lose either way. When I'm in school and have no time, I get yelled at (with few exceptions) that I don't do anything around the house; but when I'm not working/schooling, I get yelled at for not working, regardless of the fact that I do 99.999992345635629600098% of what I'm asked and I volunteer practically everyday to do what is needed. This constant "not good enough" status that has been so expressly bequeathed upon me is not only annoying and demeaning... its wrong and it pisses me off.

I came to a realization the other day, this is my last summer to dick around. Next year I will actually have to start developing a life outside of academics and breaks. So I have decided to make the best of whatever I can and to try and stop worrying about life for awhile.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hating on the Haters

Sup All,
This is my first post and so it will be unique. I decided to start this after reading several others and I realized that most people simply use a blog to Hate on things. I know that the blog is basically an online journel which you want people to read. With this thought, it is essentially a tool to instigate fights. Personally, I dont see the need. If i want to have a debate with someone, I am more than willing to do it to their face, and not via the internet. Now I know you are thinking "well insnt he doing the same thing now?" and yer right to some extent. NOW I am doing it simply to prove my point, and this is the way in which this first posting shall be unique, it is the only inflammatory thing that i will post.
So, my point is simply that people need to stop hating on things, I mean, whats the point?